Contact Us

Contact Details

Dudley Kidney Patients Association Committee

Denise Bristow
Tel 01384 213586
[email protected]

Vice Chair:
Janet Challinor
Tel 07894 408122
[email protected]

Secretary and Holiday Administrator:
Judith Sidaway
Tel 01384 424456
[email protected]

Treasurer and Magazine Editor:
Sharon Orpen
Tel 01384 390092 or 07885 917255
[email protected]

Website Manager
Kerrie Carmichael
Tel 07905 274227                                                                  [email protected]



General Committee:

Stewart and Lyn Foster
Tel 07429 078407 and 07449 965899

Colin & Carole King
Tel 01562 742443
[email protected]

Vicki Parsonage
Tel 01384 238156

Guest Member

Giulietta Whitmore
West Midlands Advocacy Officer
[email protected]

Staff Members

Bobbie Bedford, Renal Unit at Russells Hall Hospital                                                    Tel: 01384 456111 [email protected]

Wesley Nicholls, Renal Unit at Russells Hall Hospital
Tel: 01384  456111

Send a message

Want to donate to DKPA?

If you wish to donate to DKPA then contact the treasurer –
Sharon Orpen by phone on 07885 917255 or by email on [email protected].